Well I would agree with you in part, School vouchers would allow perantal choice and forced compention which all ways leads to a better
service outcome translated as better educated children.
So yes that is a major improvement over current standards, the reason it has never gained full support is due to the Teaching Unions supporting the Democrats with huge piles of cash.
However I would like to see each and every one of us decide that we as Parents are responsible for our own children’s education by what ever means we see fit Self or home schooled, private Schools
If you have a group of people who want to form their own learning co-op it is the right of the parent not the Government to decide. Who’s children are they anyway.
agree with you in part
Member #: 19926
Registered: 1996-2001
Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey
BullsEye Directional Drilling Inc
Wesley Chapel FL
This is CABL.com posting #147807. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mMB9
Posted in reply to: Re: I am not a advisory of Education by oldschooldbstech
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