Your're absolutely right, Gal.....It's been a fantastic resource...
In the last 5 or 6 years, I'd say I've gotten
involved with 3 or 4 different projects as a direct result of being a member of Including the one I'm working on right now: The U.T.O.P.I.A.
( By the way, U.T.O.P.I.A. is an acronym for: Utah
Telecommunications Open Infrastructure Agency.
Last June, ( 06.04 ) I was on the
"Bar" looking for work after going on a wild-goose chase... After being
"Hired" for a project in North Carolina as a Construction
Supervisor, I was told ( after moving from SLC to N.C...!! )
that they gave the position to another individual..!!! All in the time it
took to drive from SLC to N.C....!! ( Needless to say, I was pretty
p*ssed....!!! )
I got on the "Bar" searching for work..... It was
then that a guy ( someone I'd never met...!! ) who
read one of my posts turned me on to U.T.O.P.I.A..
The rest, as they say, is
My point in all this is that without, I never would've
had the "Instant Availability" to this job...
Or the "Brotherhood" that exists here that made it possible......
Now, baring all that in
mind, I must also thank, not only Rick (Admin) for the incredable amount of time
and effort that he put into this website, but also those individuals that
still have that loyalty and believe in the Brotherhood that
exists among all of us.... No matter where we're from or live at the time, we
seem to be able to stick together. For the most
There's always the sorry few that screw it up for everyone,
but that will never change the way I look at this industry or the people in
So, I thank Rick and all the Linemen ( and you, Gal...!! ) for being true LineDawgs......