I dont believe that is an unfair exchange between employee/employer. But in reality you and I both know that offer would be very hard to find in this proffesion which really sucks. An Electrician, plumber,Hvac, etc. gets that rate all day long and dont have to hump poles, jump fences, or chase their checks down on a daily basis for 15 long years.
I guess we are just the mutt of the big outdoor construction industry. But we are the harded, most loyal, and sympathetic mutt around. To be in this field I believe that each one of us just actually love his/her job.
Here is my thought for this reply//
You go see a lawyer//You expect to pay $100 an hour
You call a plumber// You expect to pay a $65 s/call fee
You take your car to the shop// $48.50 per hour
and so on and so on/////
You reconnect catv/// low-$3.00 High-$15.00 avg-$9.00
Yep we are the mutt,the Underdog, And proud of it.
Happy Memorial Day and have few


becausewe are special too.

just an old lineman//grew up with a sawdust pumper in between my belt.
chased a 1 ton for years
run a T40-C(PRO)//I actually know how to operate it. never could figure out that sawdust pumper//he//he