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Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll

Are you speaking of me being brash regarding your "Go Back" post?

If you are---- then let me tell you something Mister------------ Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.

Let's reflect. You responded to a posting that was, shall we say, generic at best regarding the impending storm season. Within the confines of your response, my ( I repeat "my") interpretation of that comment dealt with a negative aspect of tragedy. My response to that was meant to get attention and present an opposing point of view. Pretty much in your face, without fear of repercussion. So to call me Brash would be very appropos. Afterwards you explained your point of view rather well. To which I acknowledged your point and hoisted a beer.

Let us be very clear. This forum is here for the industry related people to have discussions, make comments and even tell jokes.
Some make postings that make no sense when reading them, and others do nothing more than call names and insert mindless amounts of smiley graphics leaving an impression of colossal ignorance. As for me--- I use this forum to provide a lot of people with humor, insight and debate. At one time, over a year ago, I engaged in witty bantor with a man in a now defunct forum on this bar. Hope you got to see it. It was pretty comical. The political season was spirited.
So, in closing--- As Popeye would say " I yam what I yam."
Accept it, reject it ---- it matters not.

Oh, if you werent referring to me, thats too bad. I was kinda hoping you were.
This is posting #146516. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll by WmRussis
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Would you GO AGAIN loll johngault 5/19/2005 10:01:00 PM