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Your own retainage contract.

Although I work for very few that hold a retainer, I do have my own contract for retainage.
If your in business for yourself you have to watch out for #1
My contract basically states 6 months max for retainage and work is that is found defective I must be notified in writing with a certified letter and given a chance to fix any problems. Without notification all claims are null and void. Any unpaid balance after 6 months is subject to interest and legal action will be paid for if a lawsuit arises from non payment.
I had my attorney draw up the document and it's about 2 pages. If they don't sign I dont work.
I normally work for the MSO and once and awhile for a prime and have never had an issue.(bigsmile)
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Posted in reply to: retainner held for 1 year? by gcable girl
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Your own retainage contract. Wife of a cable guy 5/5/2005 6:12:00 AM