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Re: Need Info On Sbca Certification

hey, HO, hasn't changed!!! out west these water lines may be copper going in to plastic underground and not considered a reliable ground. normally the "output" of a service entrance is an acceptable grounding point or theelectrical ground rod. you can ground to a metal elec. box provided there isn't a pice of flex conduit in the line somewhere. best bet is either the service entrance output pipe or the rod it's grounded to. by the way, in case some are confused, the elec. dosen't follow the water it follows the metal conductor as pure H2O does not conduct electricity. it will conduct through the chemicals that are added to make it safely drinkable. your not attach to water in itself only the metal that carries it. grounding's a pain but you got to make the effort to avoid a law suit. a few hundred thousand volts of lightning is gonna go where it wants too no matter what you do however they can't sue God as he has no attachable assets unlike you or the folks you work for. Later Mike M.
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