Re: Type of Cable for DBS Installs
Member #: 28780
Registered: 2/12/2004
Olson Communications
HughNet Tech. ViaSat Tech. DishNet, DTV
Sturgeon Bay WI.
early 50s
~27 years
Have you considered placing the recievers within 150ft of the dish wiring with rg-6, and feeding the tv's remotely controling the recievers with UHF remotes, I did an install like this today, mounted the dish 2 houses away(aprox.400ft) placed a 522 and a 322 rec. in the house with the dish on it and ran dual rg-6 the 400ft to the subscribers home, using one side of the dual for the UHF remote, and the other carried the combined signals of the 2 receivers modulated at ch.3,4,60,and 69. didnt even require an amp. just a thought, up here we have to get creative sometimes, lots of trees and hills, and the dish elevation is only at 29deg. of course i got lucky, the sub owned both properties, and was able to get a sale from the neighbor inbetween to feed off of the same dish, provided he let us bury the cable across his yard.
This is CABL.com posting #145569. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mL13
Posted in reply to: Re: Type of Cable for DBS Installs by cablemn86
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