Re: your kiddin...right?
Member #: 6735
Registered: 1996-2001
Kent Coleman
Genesis Fiber Optics
Senior OSP/ISP Fiber Tech
~46 years
Amen, brother. When a sub takes on a fiber splicing project and discovers he is struggling to finish it and make any profit, let them realize they caused this problem themselves. Learn from it and be hesitant to do it again. Customers should research their primes and subs to make sure they haven't done poor quality jobs prior to their project. If they had, hire a reputable company at a fair price to ensure the project doesn't develope major issues. Customers, do not allow primes to retain large percentages before passing the balance to subs. You will eventually get a sub-standard product with headaches and a long battle with your prime when it all could have been eliminated by just establishing a "Fair Prime Cut" limit to any service sub'd out by the prime or sub. If they sub it out, limit them to a maximum of 2.5% to cover admin costs and billing. Maybe limit a prime to (2) tier subcontracting. This prevents 4-6 tiers, each taking a piece of the price and leaving scraps for some struggling outfit to make the mistake of accepting the job. Also, hire a Senior Fiber Tech on any fiber project to screen primes and subs on their ability to complete the project correctly and to conduct QC inspections. Most customers and primes don't know what a quality fiber job even looks like, much less test like. A large fiber splicing outfit sat in a state goverment meeting concerning Phase 2 fiber testing documentation they submitted. A top splicing company was on the project after this large outfit and discovered the project was absolutely jacked and could not continue with the Phase 3 portion of the project. The Phase 2 contractor told the goverment that that they had falsified the documentation and this practice was widely accepted throughout the fiber splicing industry. All i can say is heads rolled on that one. This is a prime example of customers and primes not caring about the end product until the project ends. Sorry about the novel, but this rips me up.
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Posted in reply to: Re: your kiddin...right? by Capt KBull
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