Good luck Dusty!
Member #: 2689
Registered: 1996-2001
Mike Read
Mike Read
Read Consulting
real estate and investments
St. Louis, MO.
Good luck and the best to you in your future endeavors. After 21 years I have been out myself for four plus years now and am doing just fine. When I talk to all my friends who are still in the business I get sad for them. It does not have to be as screwed up as it is. There are a lot of really good CATV folks, but the few always seem to muck it up for the many. And the really tragic part is that most of the problems are so clearly predictable and just as equally completely avoidable. I always remember what Kenny Roger's sang back in the seventies....."You've got to know when to hold 'em....know when to fold 'em...know when to walk away and know when to ******RUN!!! ****** If you truly enjoy whatever you do next then you have already won, and fine woodworking sounds like a divine pursuit to me (sure wish I had your skills....so garden labor will have to suffice here). Good luck again!!

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