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Re: What and Where did this industry go wrong

I think it's a basic sense of pride. I feel that not enough parents try to teach thier children the value of a job well done. It's rare nowadays to find people with a true sense of right and wrong, consciences are nearly a thing of the past. For 36 years young, a lot of people think me old fashioned. My father instilled in me the basics that should be a standard for all parents. I.E. If you worka piece rate, you bust your butt to make what you can when you can. If your hourly, and you get paid for 8 hours you work an honest 8 hours. On the other hand, if your the guy paying the salary, and a guy or gal (sorry ladies) gives you an honest 8 hours, you pay him or her, and you thank him or her.

It's especially frustrating now, here I sit looking for honest work while some incompetent twit with no work ethic has the job that I and many others deserve. It seems nowadays, the only way to get ahead is to cheat, make yourself look good by making someone else look bad. I refuse.

In, or out of the industry, it doesn't matter. In America's most cliquish city, your either watching some unqualified dumbass, who happens to be someone's cousin work a job that is perfect for you, or when you finally decide to quit trying to get the type of work you love, and take whatever, lower your pride and everyone tells you your friggin over qualified.

Yeah, like I'm gonna jump at the first chance of a better job offer, when there are little or no job offers at all. Thank you Bill Gates, for pioneering the movement of IT jobs overseas. He has more friggin money than he knows what to do with. Yet he wants more. Let that stupid pr**k hump a 90 lb ladder for a living and actually earn his pay for a change.

I just want to earn an honest days work, and buy my kid those soccer shoes she needs, keep my house, etc.

Ugh, sorry for the rant all. BTW, I don't know if they are hiring, but, for those local to Ft Wayne. LHR is a decent place to work, especially now that Leo is gone. And Leo if you read this, up yours. bob and Ray are good guys. Cable don't pay a ton anymore, but it's work.
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Re: What and Where did this industry go wrong DONE RIGHT 3/23/2005 8:30:00 PM