Re: Thanks To All-What and Where did This Industry
Member #: 6735
Registered: 1996-2001
Kent Coleman
Genesis Fiber Optics
Senior OSP/ISP Fiber Tech
~46 years
I have seen the Fiber specific industry going downhill similiar to the copper industry. Companies bid on fiber without knowing the fine details of what it takes to do it. After getting the contract, they put out the job at rates well below what fiber should be. Majority of fiber companies that accept these low rates don't have a "Senior" tech to ensure the job gets done well and it ends up being a fiasco. I have seen primes pulling 40% on the fiber prices similiar to construction rates. I feel this is absolutely wrong and has contributed greatly to the low quality problem in the fiber industry. Customers should place in the contract the max amount a prime or contractor can pull from their subs or be responsible for non-payment to all subs. I will gladley obtain a bond if the prime agrees to pull a max of 5% off the contract splicing/certifying rates. We should all pull together, to some degree, and establish a stronger hand in this industry. Those of you that accept pennies on every contract dollar are killing yourselves. Customers that allow this will be seeing a decline in quality as techs get better and better and demand higher wages appropriate for this knowledge. "You get what you pay for".
This is posting #143528. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Thanks To All-What and Where did This Industry by redrocker80
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