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Re: Gas//$2.09 Diesal// $2.14

My thought ,EXACTLY/// I support war against aggression, and I am willing to sacrifice to be free from presucution, and I will back up my leader againt terrorists. But I think my leader could do more on the home-front. It may not help him in the polls as far as a popularity contest. But he needs to remember what happenned to Nixon, as he too got too wrapped up into war and forgot about the American people. Bottom line is/// Pres. Bush Sir, Please take your mind off Bin Laden and Iraq long enough to understand the effects that we,the workers, of the great USA are indurring so that we may have peace. We need a bone twrown our way because at this rate you are breaking our backs, and if we fall USA falls. USA cant fall so hope that Pres. Bush does the right thing and evens the economy before we see another depression like that of 1942.
just an old lineman//grew up with a sawdust pumper in between my belt. chased a 1 ton for years run a T40-C(PRO)//I actually know how to operate it. never could figure out that sawdust pumper//he//he
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