I am from Ireland and about to move back to the states (Lived there for almost 8 years before)....I Work in sattlite over here for SKY TV. When I get back to the states I am going to stay with the Sattlite game ( For just an installer I find the money far better) I am just wondering, over here we have sat-finder meter's for locating the exact point of the sattlite that we are trying to hit with the dish....Here's the question Dose such a meter exsist over there for Dish Network E.C.T. ....Or is it done the old school way ( Witch at times can be a pain in the a*s) if so who makes them and how much do thay cost $$$ and how can I get my hands on one..????....Also, would my guess be right about the money in the Sat side of things, as I have no tie's in the states and am free to move around as much as nesserey.... Ill be very thankfull for any help with some answers to these questions....Peace for know and looking forward to getting back to the good old U.S.A....