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Re: presidential medal of freedom

Sorry to hear of your loss. I do have much respect for those who were put in his position. However, I feel nothing but contempt for those who put him there and are ultimately responsible for his death. Seems like you are one of those hoodwinked by the Bush administration into thinking that Iraq had anything to do with 911. The 90's were nothing compared to the growth of terrorists groups due to Bush's mis-directed policies. Many forget that the Clinton administration was paralyzed by Republicans over a blow job.

During the Vietnam War many of us were responsible for blaming the soldiers for their actions with those who ordered them to go there. This was the major mistake of the anti vietnam movement.
Now we are engaged in a similiar war of insurgents. We couldnt beat them then and we cant beat them now. Bush has not only answered terrorism with terrorism, but supports the elimination of due process rights and 4th amendment issues, while attacking the clean air and water act as he supports the unfunded No Child Left Behind education joke.
Having said that, anyone who serves our county as your brother in law, even if misled by the pigs in charge, deserves my ultimate respect because he was on the job and ready to defend our freedoms for whatever reason and for whomever sent him there without question.

I apologize if anything that I said offended you or your family as my focus is on our so called leaders, not our protectors.
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Posted in reply to: Re: presidential medal of freedom by lostlineman2
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