Hey Rich , thanks , I should have gone by to see you and Dan and Denise while I was home. It was the first time I was there in six months. I thought if I waited six months I would be over the trama of my divorce "NOT" . I cried alot, and didn't go to see anyone but Fling. My three youngest children stuck too me like glue. I'd rather been givin a life sentence than have to deal with diviorce. I don't think my heart will ever heal. I took my three children by the grave yard to visit all my dead friends graves, in hopes that they might realise what a fine line there is between life and death , and not make the mistakes their dad has. I know I'm lucky to be alive with all the things I've been through in my life , if it wasn't for guardian angles , I'd be gone. I burnt the candle at both ends , lived on the edge , use to love people, since my divorce , seems like I have a death wish , I'd just as soon beat some one as look at them. Its becoming increasingly hard to be nice, I'm just filled with hate and rage. I just wish I could fight George W. Bush and Chenney, and Rumsfeld, I'd tag team all three. In my opinion their f.u.c.k.i.n.g this country up. Send their kids to fight the bulls.h.i.t war. I guarentee the war would end quickly. They call it the holy land. From all the pictures I see its a hole ly land . Bomb holes every where. I wish they would stop pissing in the wind and go ahead and rubble the place. My blood runs cold. My fifty year old best friend is still over there, reactivated National Guard Unit " THATS BULL****" I'd like to send Bushes Candy A.S.S Hand shaking A.S.S kissing strumpet head to the front line. He'd stop the war then. Democracy for Muslems , thats a f.u.c.k.ing joke . You can take a wild animal and put it in a cage , but you still have a wild animal. Once put in a cage it only hates its captor. Its freedom has been lost. I think we have another 9-11 coming soon . Think of it , what are the two single greatest days here in the states . Christmas and New Years. Being from North Carolina and having the knowledge that ther is Nuclear Weapons on Cherry Point, Bragg, Lejune, Gieger to name a few. All it would take is one detination at any one facility to destroy darn near the whole state. What is the radius of destruction of a nuclear war head ,125 miles in every direction? Why do the people over there in Muslem land hate us so bad?? You can't cage wild animals and expect them to change, its like the movie with Patrick Swasie, Next of Kin, you mess with one family member you messed with the whole family. Blood in Blood out. I thought of these things when I passed through Camp Lejune and the guard at the gate just waved me on through. I'd be handling things alot differently if I were the commander and chief of this country. I hope everybody has a safe happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
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