Gee whiz, when was the last time an employer paid for your hotel on a regular basis? Or cut you a per-diem check for your out of town exspenses?
Even though your a cable dog at the root of it all, sometimes you just gotta keep looking around 'till you find something you can run steady on instead of the usual hit and miss. The only part about line doggin' these days is the fact that your job might not be there tommorrow. Think about it...any time you want you can always go back to whatever you've done! I would'nt tell you this unless I did'nt do it myself. Presently, thats what I'm doin'! A totally different job than what I've ever done before. I'm up at four a.m., home by 1:45 p.m., I'm in a union, health and dental bene's, holiday pay, company banquett's every now and then, bonus checks and I'm only 2 miles from work! The only hard part was getting used to the smaller pay. What a bite that seemed to be. But, buy your beer on sale, drink at home and learn yourself some new money management skills like banking your dough!
After a couple of months you should be pullin' down some side jobs to help out with the smaller buget. Through all of this though, "I AIN'T GONNA NEVER SELL MY HOOKIN' TOOLS OR LADDERS!!!" You never can tell what tommorrow will bring!
Give it a shot, it aint gonna kill ya'!
Good luck in whatever you choose.