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sounds like the wrong hole

that sucks dude, was it a common trench? was there a vault or just a mudhole. We're their other conduits there? Why'd ya pick the "orange" one. If it was orange, then somebody f***d up cause it's invairably yellow. Check the town code. They would know. I've been sent back for running the wrong color tracer for God's sake!

I used to cut conduit with a hot knife and a torch. I'd lean the torch head towards the knife blade and it would keep cutting. Then one day a gaseous flame jumped out of the conduit, flashed back 30ft and blew the cover off the vault in front of me. Just about peed myself.

Ah, the good life.

As others have already stated, I think you're only hope is if you can prove they sent you to that particular gopher hole and showed you the conduit to cut into, otherwise the "subcontractor" clause is their escape.
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