I used to work immigrants years ago. They must have a green card and id on them at all times. It is a healthy fine, but I don't know how much. Its a federal offense to work them without a green card. Send me a private e-mail as to what state your in and I'll find out for you ,be sure and put your phone# . I wouldn't want to be whoever it is working them. The feds will probably shut his whole job down and they may go to jail. I can tell you one thing for certain, I'm glad it ain't me. Years ago I took two guatimilin hand dig crews from another company. (WHY ,HOW?) people like getting paid for their work. There was one illegal in the bunch, I found it out after the second day, my mistake I'm glad I didn't get caught, I hated to let the man go he was the best worker in the bunch. That was fifteen years ago, but I haven't forgotton it. Send me the PM you got the Ducks help.
Re: can u get fined
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I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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