Re: Falsely accused
Member #: 33704
Registered: 10/8/2004
comcast auditors came to my house in St Paul I worked for the prime contractor there , it seems they cant distinguish a disco tag from a telephony , hsd ,video,tag in some cases . I took the GREAT INHOUSE TECH right to the box he never opened and showed him his mistake. I guess a 45 point route is to much to handle for some guys, I did see a real good guy lose his job at NEW AGE, for the same crap ,some one wanted him gone also, he was accused of an illegal video hook up , impossible......... I saw the drop it was a telephony drop (RSU) the only way to steal in this case is to have a seperate drop for video, or to have somebody from comcast hit the video port on the rsu . BUT I'm not a C S I (CABLE SECURITY IDIOT) either. In any case all you guys working for a contractor pay the bill its cheaper in the long run,

This is CABL.com posting #138330. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mJ9i
Posted in reply to: Re: Falsely accused by johned
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