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Story of a Veteran!

We live in a town of 400, mostly elderly folks. We help all of our elderly neighbors out and most of the times we get to listen to stories of how the town "used to be". Bill and Lee live two houses down from us. Bill is a retired blacksmith and just a short, cute, very friendly man. His wife Lee is very pleasant, but right is right and wrong is wrong and she will tell it like it is, I love her for being like that. Bill and Lee's children have all moved away and they both have a really hard time getting around. They don't like to drive, so Lee's sister (lives beside them) drives them everywhere. Anyway, Bill (90 something) told this story once. They had got married right before he had to leave for the war. Bill and Lee wrote letters to one another but did not see each other for 4 years. When it came time for Bill to be released from duty he said, "they just one day said okay Bill, you get to go home now." He didn't have anyway to let anyone know he was coming home. He rode the train to Minden,Nebraska and got off and stood there. There was no way to contact anyone so he said he just started walking. He walked about 28 miles and was getting excited because he knew he was going to get to surprise everyone. He rounded the corner to start heading to his house and he saw her. Lee was sitting on the front porch and saw him round the corner and start heading down her street. They both just started running toward one another. She said she knew it was him the second she saw him. They haven't been apart since. -Wife of Garrison(usa)
Character is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
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Re: Story of a Veteran! deleted 11/11/2004 1:27:00 PM
Re: Story of a Veteran! Cable3 11/11/2004 12:16:00 PM