Well, my answer would be extensive as the book of Revelation is quite deep and extensive.
But to begin my answer.........
The Warrior-King Triumphs at Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21)
This is where Jesus leads the armies of heaven to destroy Satan's system of things but this does not happen until after the destruction of Babylon the Great.
Who do you feel the bible is refering to when it speak of "Babylon the Great?
Right now we are in "the last days".
Jesus answered the Apostles the question of how they were to be able to know when they were in the "last days". They wanted to know the "signs".
Also, you stated that we were in "Armageddon".
How can that be when the bible states that "ALL" evil will be done away with at "Armageddon"?
Well, I need to get to work. I am sure I am probably not answering your question exactly yet. But, if you would ask me "spacific" questions regarding the book of Revelation or Armageddon? I would be able to start somewhere closer to what your looking for.
But your question "too me" is quite vague.
NOTE: Sorry for my mispelled words or typo's. Never have been much of a speller or typist.
My prayers are with you all!
Re: Do NOT start this crap again Mark
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