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Re: Terry Clark Thanks 4 The Call

Good Morning all, I appreciate the emails from all the people sent to me. Telling me to take to his as. Give it to him old school they say, I'm glad I haven't got so many people that hate me, but I do have those that would like to see me dead, for real. I alot of times wish my life had been lived much differently. My life for me started in a bad way I had an abusive father that thought I was his punching bag,but all he did was make me mean. I wish alot of times I didn't have a photographic memory. I can remember the first beating I ever got, vividly. I was two years old, my dad had just got a brand new tv it was placed in the living room but not plugged in and the antenna was not hooked up. This was in 1959 there was no cable, internet, you had rabbit ears or an antenna outside on a pole. Anyway my family sat down at the kitchen table we were eating supper, I got up from the table first, funny how I can remember this so well, I walked into the living room where the tv sat ,I can still picture it in my mind ,it was a floor model, stood on four chair type legs it had a long narrow cabinet ,and a spin dial to change the channels,and a push pull button to turn it off and on. The cord to plug it in wouldn reach the wall. So I pulled on it, crash, the tv flipped over on its face, I took off running upstairs and hid under a bed. I can still see the coil springs under that bed as they were what I was holding onto when my dad came into the room and drug me out and beat the shi.t out of me. I was crying so hard my mother took me over to the old Ladys house next door,she was like my grandmom. Mrs. Erma Gorham. I can still remember her holding me telling me it will be allright Jerry boy. That was one of the worst beatings I ever got. Thank God the TV was ok. The worst beating I ever got came when I was seven years old. I was home alone with my dad, he was in the kitchen trying to fix a toaster, I decided to crawl up into the attic,the attic door was in my room, I had a tall dresser underneath it . I had a big pickle jar filled with water and tad poles setting on top of it. I climbed up into the attic, when I was coming back down I slipped, knocked the dresser over and me the dresser and the tadpoles went into the floor, my dad came running in with a toaster cord in his hand, he says you allright boy, I answered yes, then he beet the hel.l out of me with that toaster cord. It cut me and welted me I was bleeding and crying profusley,he then threatened to put salt and pepper in my wounds if I didn't stop crying. I hated my dad from that day forward. I started working when I was nine as my dad told me you want something boy get yourself a job and buy it. I did , 50 hrs a week in a tobacco field 50cents an hour. I put five years on the farm before I was old enough to get a work permit. I moved out of my dads house when I was sixteen, I just couldn't take being punched in the face anymore. I've done alot of things in my life that I am proud of and alot of things I wished I hadn't. One I wished I hadn't was working for the Greek Mob, I've been looking over my shoulder and had eyes in the back of my head since 1977 its not a good feeling. Some day I'm sure I'll catch a bullet like so many of my friends have. When we were in high school we had a saying live hard die young leave a good looking corpse. I got more friends in the ground than I do living 39 of them all my age, thats alot of close death to live with. There is alot more to the story of my life but you will have to read my book when I finish it. Its titled Fittingly "DON"T BEAT YOUR CHILDREN". I hope you enjoy it. Yesterday in speaking to Terry Clark he said to me why are you writing all these things about me, why do you have so much animosity toward me. God I believe I got alot of good reasons. The next story I'm going to print is one about a man named Raymond Larwence, he hired me to kill his wife, but instead I hook line and sinkered him and put him in prision. Its real interesting reading and a true story, Terry Clark can even verify that. Hope you feel like you know me a little better now. I sure feel better I've kept alot of this story bottled up inside me all my life, just felt good to get it off my chest.
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Re: Terry Clark Thanks 4 The Call Gary Vest 11/5/2004 3:58:00 PM
Re: Terry Clark Thanks 4 The Call cable33 11/4/2004 9:53:00 PM
Re: Terry Clark Thanks 4 The Call cablwotalife 11/3/2004 6:09:00 PM
Re: Terry Clark Thanks 4 The Call Ramblin Man 11/3/2004 2:10:00 PM
Re: Terry Clark Thanks 4 The Call Peeper 11/3/2004 1:51:00 PM