I am writing this for other installers to watch out for FL and WACO TX jobs from two men named John and Dave . Their numbers to call are usually 512-652-8215 and 512-947-6131.
We have been down in FL and have seen MANY techs leave due to the mess these two men have caused. They DO NOT pay their installers. Some have been at work for almost 5 weeks with no paycheck, yet the company that Dave and John are getting paid from have paid at least two times we know of and it seems to us they are pocketing the money. Many installers have quit. These two men have been kicked out of Orlando due to their shady ways and are in Tampa now on their way out the door there too. They are recruitting men for their WACO job, if things were this bad in Fl they will be like this in TX too. The company they are getting the work from and paycheck from has been notified and appropriate measues are being taken. These men are a lost cause and I suggest that you go no where near them. Also so you know these men are from Austin TX and also do contract work there. Be real hesitant!!! Just a fore warning. I will be willing to provide numbers for you to call to talk to many techs who have had issues. Let me know!!!
Watch Out For Dave & John Fl Or Waco Jobs!! No Pay
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