Hey Joe THANX, I DO APPRECIATE THAT COMMENT. But at the same time now I must save the clark story for in the morning. Just seeing you name for me is like seeing you the last time we talked. I wish I didn't have this photographic memory some times. As when I see your name , I flash back our last conversation . Every time I drive by your old cable yard I see years of memorys. Thanks Charter This man Joe Baldwin was one of the fairest most honest, give you the shirt off his back kinda man I've ever known in this Business. He shared a bad memory one day when I stopped by to see Joe. It was about Alan Mercer Killed pullin strand across Hwy !7, His old lady in the car watchin it happen. Instantly dead. Allen was a damn good cable dog and a beloved brother. Joe every time I ride by your compound on 17 I will never forget you . Your presence in this industry will always be missed.
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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