Everytime the weather threatens the Florida penninsula like it does just about every year, droves of people, companies,ect...
make the mad dash to go clean up the mess for the "Best Prices" they've seen in a long time. Am I right or what!?
The bottom line is a good screwin' by people you've just met and dont really know all that well and let's not forget the great accomodations for housing!(Heh,heh,heh.) Any more it would make more sense to head the opposite direction and go where there's the opportunity to hook up work where the contractors are leaving to work in, you guessed it, Florida!
You gotta look on the bright side here. When people exit, they tend to leave a void. Who comes to fill that void? At least this way, you'll have the opportunity to fill a vacancy and settle in to the job. When Bert and Ernie come back for thier old job after being screwed out of money, you'll already have the position filled.
Now, does that make any sense? Dont forget to do your Q+A research B4 hand!
Like we say down in old Mexico City....AMF!