I'm glad to see all the discussion here, it means our industry is getting ready to make a stand. I remember back durning a Teamster Truckers strike years ago a story my first cousin Jeffery Whitfield (TINY) his truckers handle. (Why he chose that handle at 6'6" I don't know) , but as big as he is, I guess you go by what ever you want. He's a long haul, out of Hershey Pa. He stopped in by N.C. to see the family thats when he told the story. He was an independent, not union and made the mistake of driving during the strike,he told the story of crossing under an overpassing bridge, someone dropped a concrete pillar through his co drivers window smashing the man instantly to death,he darn near lost the whole rig when this happened, they never caught the people that dropped the pillar,but he said he got his rig fixed and said he would never make the mistake of hauling during another strike. How about the Boston Tea Party, What the Hel.l happened to the Americans or should I say immigrants, as thats what we all are desendents of. Unless you and American Indian. They call Washington "Goverment", with no health care plan for everyone, illegals filling the US, fighting wars everywhere, they ought to change the Name NATO to the US Cherry Org. Awe but the US will go it alone!!! We run the world!! Nice thought, but who foots the price tag, We the American tax payer!! Here is your foreign aid
get the bums beggin food off the street corners, the illegals out of our country ,fix the loopholes in social security, release the drugs they already have to cure diseases like cancer and aids, so on and so fourth. Take care of America, Make politicans the lowest paid people in the US, get rid of special intrest groups and lobbist, oh how my blood boils,I could go on and on. Let me return to cable, change one thing that we have the Power too!!!! Hawks right its time to take a stand
!! I got on I 95 headed north last night going to the hard hit areas,when I saw that first sign Crewfew 10 pm to 6am sign , I turned around. I thought to myself what was I thinking. I was in such a big hurry to get there I just wasn't thinking correctly. I thought of Port Charles and about no gas stations open ,all the motels left standing, were already packed by residents that no longer had homes, but the insurance companys were putting them up. All I can say is think twice before you head down for work . You better have a self contained camper and a giant, portable fuel tank to keep your trucks rolling, as well as plenty of mosquito repellent as Maimi,Dade has had 18 cases of West Nile viruses in the last two weeks, Its not only birds dying from that shilt.!!! The best prices I've heard is 225.00 per hr, 75.00 per man per day per deium. That was from a prime when Charley hit. Now the prices keep getting lower and lower. Before If I was coming from out of State they would have me a contract in writing guarenteeing me motel rooms and fuel, a quick turn around on my money for my work. When they tell me I can't get that!!! Folk them their shhitt can wrott. I can do fiberglass work, the insurance company will cut me a check before I ever start on a boat. I'm a Cable Dog/Dawg got it in my blood, already got x fibers in my lungs thanks to fiberglass ,thats why I'm gonna stay a cable Dog, I don't won't to add any more X fibers. I could retire off the boat work down here because the insurance companys love my work , they like gettin what they pay for. I'm putting in a call to Jeb Bushes office, today as well as calling many corporate head quarters for the insurance companys. If I can't get results I'm applying for a permit to protest at the Govoners mansion, all nice and legal so things don't get out of hand. Our voices will be heard or maybe other major companys can follow Adelphia OUT THE DOOR
. Thats a sad thing when its not necessary. ITS TIME FOR A STAND. WHAT happened to all the corporate officers when Adeliphia fell??? What happened when all the buy outs of Companys happened, they got rid of all the dead wood. What really fuc.ed our industry, other than 911, it was companys like Mastec and Orisus buying up all the mom and pop companys, thinking they could control the prices. Now where are they?? I chuckled a little the other day when I went by CCG's warehouse and found out they were doing some of Mastec's clean up. Whats Clean up. They don't wont me to tell them what I think about clean up. I will say this for CCG its still one of the best companys I've ever contracted from. One more item before I go. Before you head to Florida to work ask the Company you are going to work for can they pay you for down time if the MOTHER CO. runs out of Supplys (LMAO)
. Inhouse still gets paid why not the contractor
All I got to Say is Come Hell High Water Or Jail This Old Dog Will Be Heard,Because I for one have had ENOUGH!!
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD