Very good point about the power violations. Any time the power co. catches a violation,its their responsibility to come out and deframe the pole and lower cable back down in the safe zone. Then the contractor is allowed to reframe the pole. The power co charges the mother co. and the mother co. backcharges the contractor. In some places they just let it go,but in actuality we are not allowed that high on a pole without that power license. I learned that way back years ago,when I started doing power supplys. I had placed a weatherhead too high, that is the top of the assembly that attaches into power to carry electricity to the meter base that powers power supplys. They had to send a line truck out to take off one band to drop my conduit , wire and weatherhead to spec. , when your doing power supplys after you complete your installation. The power co. sends out an inspector who uses a Biddle megger meter that generates electricity and the measures that there are no shorts of faults in your installation, before its ever connected at the weatherhead, power supply poles are also not just randomly chosen, they must first be permitted to be on a pole, the permit process insues the fact that we don't end up with a switcher pole or a closer pole, so on and so fourth. "WHITFIELD"

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD