Depending on the total dollar volume and the quality of the debtors (customers, if you will) that may be an outstanding deal. If you're growing and need cashflow assistance to pay employees/subcontractors, you do what you have to. Banks may not be willing to work with you, but a factor might.
I read an awful lot about folks not being paid or waiting an extremely long time to get paid on this site. I'd say next to politics and religion, it is the single largest topic. This particular person is doing what is within his means to handle those issues with a company he likes doing business with. I don't see a problem.
A factoring company isn't going to give away its money. It is operating on a bank line of credit and also has employees that need to feed their family. To be sure, the factor will surely fall prey from time-to-time to fraud and illicit business practices from its clients. That all costs money.
Anyway, no offense, but you'd do well to walk in this fellow's shoes prior to knocking him. Best of luck. Call anytime to discuss factoring with me, FREE of charge !
Jerry Ketsdever
Olympic Credit Fund
Re: Looking for Factoring companies
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