A key in GM is the interstage EQ, 7.5, 9.0, or 10.5 thats depends on MAN., THERM., or AGC. The trims go in the center (sys trim) spot on the module if you have them. You should not have to take off the cover you can drill holes in the forward EQ covers to get to potentiometer or (pot) adjustment screws as well as interstage EQ's. Also check the module retainer screws for 6 in-lb to 9 in-lb (0.7 Nm to 1.0 Nm) The manufacturer SA has a N/10 + 3 from REFERENCE point for this gear. Adjusting under the cover could do more damage than good. Keep in mind the best peak-to-valley doesn't mean best distortion measurements. And also check your sweep gear some older testpoints look better with a 10db probe on your meter lead and compensate for it in the testpoint compensation. Good Luck! some locals try to narrow the specs and it just doesn't work that way.