Re: It's only going to get worse..
Member #: 29554
Registered: 3/18/2004
Jim Griffin
Jim Griffin
Griffin Communications
splicing contractor
~33 years
As long as people are willing to work for what is being paid, things will remain the same. It all starts with a greedy contractor who bids a job way to cheep, just to obtain the contract, then he really cant afford to pay the prices it takes to bring in quality people. We have done this to ourselfs, Thats right, WE have brought this on back in the high dollar days, by flooding the market with way to many new people, Every body wanted to make the big bucks by hiring and training people to work for us so we could make money off them, Then as soon as these new people learned CATV they realised they could do the same thing, they save alittle money, invest in a bucket truck and they go on their own. Then the cycle starts over with this guy hiring and trainning all his friends. Pertty soon supply and demand take control, MORE WORKERS THAN THERE ARE JOBS, SO PRICES FALL, and here we are! AS LONG AS THERE ARE PEOPLE WILLING TO WORK FOR THE CURRENT PRICES, WHY WOULD ANYONE EXPECT PRICES TO RISE. I know that there are other factors involved, and its not quite that cut and dry BUT, in a nutshell, thats the way it looks from here!!!
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