I just had to comment on this.
I performed services for Adelphia Cable and Adelphia Business Solutions over the past years before bankruptcy and after.
Adelphia Cable has paid us for all invoices before 90 days except one, which we are still waiting. As for Adelphia Business Solutions we had to sue for four invoices they haven’t paid. In the state of Pennsylvania ABS (Adelphia Business Solutions) did NOT file bankruptcy. I don’t understand about how you can file in all states but one.
I went to a bankruptcy attorney and you are correct to the 90-day period and YES they can recall that money. IT STINKS but that is the law.
In my case I won out and received about 80 cents on the dollar. In your case you MUST get a GOOD bankruptcy attorney and follow his advice on how to protect yourself. I only pray you are not into them big time for to many closed shop because of Adelphia.
Oh yes Adelphia Business Solutions is now going by TELCOVE and everyone out there BEWARE…