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Re: safety

I agree Danimal,

What you say is true. Another problem is, about 95% of the accidents that happen are due to neglect on the part of the contractor. Either a contractor was doing something that they shouldn't be doing, or was somewhere they shouldn't be.

How many people have you seen, that actually use safety equipment. How many people have hot gloves in there trucks. I have seen to many contractors with hard hats full of water in the back of there trucks, next to there rusted safety belts.

A short time ago, I had seen a person doing cable splicing in a bucket truck, with no shirt, a pair of shorts, and sneakers, on the pole. Also no hard hat and no safety harness or belt.

OSHA usually does not show up on a job, unless there is a problem, or the job is reported to them. I have been doing cable for 18 years, and have never had OSHA show up.

When I started doing cable, we had to be certified by the power company for pole safety, before they would even let us climb on one. I mean how many contractors even know what the red tags on the pole mean, or how to check for a hot pole.

I have the greatest sympathy for anyone hurt in an actual accident, I have no sympathy for anyone who is hurt due to neglect on there part. As far as the two week trainees, USE COMMON SENSE, if you don't know every part of the pole, STAY THE HELL OFF THE POLE UNTIL YOU DO. Remember " IT"S YOUR LIFE THATS IN DANGER, NOT THERE'S!!!

For any new people out there, LEARN BEFORE YOU CLIMB, AND USE SAFETY EQUIPMENT, I 'm sure that I speak for everyone when I say, NO ONE LIKES A FUNERAL!!!!

Good Luck To All
And Be Safe (viking)
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Re: safety danimal 5/27/2004 7:52:00 AM