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Re: Time To Picket!!!

Hi Cablecouple,

Let me see if I can answer a few of your questions.

1) Q- When do we say, enough is enough?
A- When we all work for Wal-Mart.

Statement) Cable companies are charging the consumer more money then ever before for services and paying the independent contractor less and less, forcing many good, competent contractors out of the business,

Response) Greed is an amazing thing. When was the last time ANYONE from the cable company took a pay cut to help us out.
I can answer that with one word, NEVER!!!

Feedback you say, you will get lots of it, just don't ask for people to back you up. With the exception of a few hardcore people here,
most people believe that they have to much to loose by standing up for what they believe in, or say they believe in.

Legal Rights you say, (LOL), with the exception of getting payed for your work, you are a contractor, you have none. Try standing up against any major MSO or PRIME, for what you believe is right, I will look for you to greet me next time I go to Wal-Mart. We have a contract with Comcast, in the contract it states that, you can have your contract terminated at any time without notice, for ANY reason. We had this contract looked at by one of the top law firms in the united states, and were told that they could even terminate the contract, if they didn't like your hair that morning, or the color of your clothes. Remember, MSO's and Primes are not stupid, they cover all of their bases.

Q) If we were to march in front of the cable offices with signs, what would be the ramifications.

A) Have you ever been to JAIL???

Q) How many of you are willing to get involved?

A) Remember what I wrote earlier. maybe 1 out of a 100 people, might join you, and those are the ones with nothing to loose.

Q) What do we have to loose?

A) Everything, including your career.

There are to many people out there, that believe if it doesn't affect them, why bother. It is easier to say that we should all stand together, then to actually follow through with it. How can you be afraid of a barking dog, if it has no teeth.

As far as unity goes, I believe in the old phrase, One Can Still Hope!!!

Good Luck To All(viking)

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Posted in reply to: Time To Picket!!! by cablcouple
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Re: Time To Picket!!! sprdave 5/23/2004 9:27:00 PM