now see , david came on here like a true man and stood up . he's right ,if only two people out of 158 are on here bitching dont you think there might be something wrong with you . i am one of those techs that has been hurt by this prime tv thing . but david did send me 8,000 dollars a little over two weeks ago . but i am still owed around 8,500 . give or take 500 . but the point i am trying to make is the fact that he paid anything at all say's he's making it right with everyone . yeah i have to agree with you on one thing the fact that it has taken so long to get to this point sucks . but you have to remember that he had to wait a much longer time than you . just bite your tonge and call the man on tuesday . i bet when you talk to him he will have a good explanation for you , or you will see that you did have some back charges . now he did say i had some back charges but i have to wait untill he pays me and sends me the list of whats being back charged before i can dispute anything . david has always seemed to be a man of his words . i'm sure your nightmare is his nightmare ten times worse . try waking up every morning knowing you owe 158 people money . i'm sure i could not handle that . then find out your screwed out of 375,000 . i bet you wont feel to good either . when the man get money i'm sure you will too. just quit rocking the boat .
last but not least . be a man . not a little scared boy your name .