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Re: Work in Puerto Rico

You're absolutely right...!!
I did some mapping there a few years back and I gotta
tell ya, I'd hate to be a Hook on that job...!!!

I was living in Ricon and working in Mayaguez.  Both on the
southwestern or western part of the island, if I'm not mistaken.

Evidently, there's no such thing as Power specs.     And OSHA...??
They've never heard of it.   The climbing conditions are horrendous
in some places.
Power hangin' all over the place and I'd be willing to bet that a big
healthy Hook could easily bring some of those skinny, little
poles down by weight alone.  
Hell, some of 'em look like they're gonna drop any second...!!!

On the other hand, if ya don't mind the challenges, the scenery is fantastic
and the people are as nice as can be.   If the ocean is your bag, then you'll
be in Heaven....Although, it can get hotter than hell..! 
And the women.... Fugeddaboutit...!!!    Hell, even the old
Broads looked good...!!!
The bars are a trip in some places.  Some of the smaller
and older ones back in the woods are but several 4x4's
with a metal roof and a cooler full of Beer.
Not exactly a huge structure... Completely "open air". 
I loved 'em...!!!

All in all, I had a good time there.  There were some
problems with the Prime, but other than that, it was a good time.

Oh, and brush up on your Spanish.... It's the language of choice
down there.  You can get by with English, ( kinda ) but ya know how
ya get pissed when someone comes here to America and expects you
to know whatever language they're speaking....??   Well, the same
applies in reverse......
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know...Puerto Rico is part of America. 
You know what I mean.........
It's only right.

If ya end up goin', go with an open mind and you'll have a ball...!!!


"He had that rare weird electricity about him. That extremely wild and heavy presence that you only see in a person who has abandoned all hope of ever behaving "normally". --- Hunter S Thompson - Fear And Loathing - 1972
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Re: Work in Puerto Rico jrg15 4/30/2004 8:51:00 PM