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Re: Antenna Interference

The problem you are having is EMI (Electro magnetic interference). There are products on the market that are EMI eliminators, What they do is look at the sparkle in the picture and replace it with the color from both sides of the sparkle.
This device is rack mounted with your processor in the headend, One per channel.

The other thing you can do is to try to get the problem fixed. If you are getting EMI strong enough that it is giving you a hum bar your problem will be within a mile of your antenna and most likely in the line of sight.
They do make a meter with a speaker and directional antenna that you point at the insulators on the power pole from the ground to listen for emi. But if you work for an mso it will likely take some time to get this.
That will take us back to the Old Cable Dog ways. You can have a tech at the headend monitoring the channel with a tv set. And a second tech works out from the headend with a sledge hammer whacking each pole on the bottom a few times until you find the pole that is interfering with your pic. You will see the EMI get jumpy and flash around when you hit the pole. O by the way you could very well have more than one pole location causing a problem.
When you have located the faulty pole hardware contact your power companies eng department the get the hardware changed out.

You can also contact your power company's eng department and explain your problem to them. Each district usually has one specialist that troubleshoots noise problems. They have a nice van with a telescoping directional antenna and an oscilloscope and can pinpoint things much quicker.

Well Good luck and let me know how it go's. These can take weeks or months to find sometimes.
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Posted in reply to: Antenna Interference by Arena Services, Inc
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Antenna Interference JohnBoy 4/23/2004 7:41:00 PM