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Re: Job Postings

I placed an ad back in Feb. with my name, company, phone no. and e-mail address. I had 17 people call that morning. I talked to every one of them and hired one that day. I never did get to read the e-mails, some of which just had a phone # and instructions to call them with details. Please.

So my advice:
If you're looking for good people, detail the job in the ad and give your phone #. Expect to take a lot of calls but if you want the best then it's worth it.
If you're looking for work, do what you have to do to find out about the job. Don't send an e-mail expecting someone else to do it for you! Keep a list of phone #'s or e-mails so as not to duplicate effort. Above all, don't expect the people with the work to come to you.

It's easy to define what you're willing to fight for; but what are you willing to stand for without fighting? What are you willing to lay down your life for?
This is posting #129740. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Job Postings by cablepro222000
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Job Postings oldschoolgal 4/12/2004 2:21:00 PM