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Whats up here

This whole FOS stuff is very puzzling to me. To say that it is a scam is totally peoples opinion but really what are they trying to scam. Checks that were mailed months or weeks ago have not been cashed yet so what are they trying to scam folks. I like yourselves out there am a bit confused but really what have they done. This is not me picking up for them but folks really what have FOS done they have simply posted a job opportunity we apllied we have waited some of us longer than others. With as much emphasis as this has generated there seems to be alot of us out there wanting something better. Good things take time. If this does indeed turn out to be a scam then it is and we can then take appropriated measures to readien ourselves of whatever it is we have invested but until then wait. To those who are not involved in this mess meaning you did not apply. You must have something better to do with your time thatn bad mouth or cast stones at a company you do not know alot about but yes we live in democratic societies where freedom of speach is a right of all. So have fun but if all this bugs you as much as it seems or if you are generally concerned about what wrong might be going on here do some good here for those of us seeking better jobs take some action but other than that have a nice day.
All the best .....
Even though we always do not agree......Cableflunky(wave)
This is posting #127937. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: The Government is cracking down on scam Co. by Bill003
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Whats up here Bill003 3/11/2004 2:41:00 PM