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Re: GREAT ARTICLE When will it Boom?

It's always been about short time investment, these out fits have been lining thier pockets for years at minimal cost, the money never went back into the systems, these are investers gentlemen, the bottom line has always been the bottom line, it wasn't until the FCC cracked down on leakage that any of the MSO's started putting a little cash back into thier plant and why? That's right, fly overs were going to start reaching into those pockets, this country thrives on greed plain and simple, we have been brought with a keep up with the Jones philosophy. The only thing that has kept our head above water is competition between the MSO's, if we offer more, we'll get more or if we can't buy you, we'll over build you, quality went out the window years ago, we have all been working under the, "It has to be built by May15th no matter what it takes, no matter how many people you bring in" attitude for years now, why? because the investers are pulling the strings, they are looking at numbers, that's it, they don't care about the customer, they are thinking about the new yacht, the condo, we, the construction supervisors, PM's no longer have a say in dead lines, we are replacable, they run projected #s on build costs, most unrealistic, and then of course some prime is going to look at the dates and say"No problem" and the whole cycle starts all over, it's feast or famine gentlemen, feast or famine.
Telephony opens up a can of worms though, it's a money maker but it has to run at about 97% it's a liabiliy thing,say your on the phone on a 911 call and there's an outage, once again the MSO's will be threatened by some one trying to get into thier pockets and they will be forced to dump a little cash into the mix, and in most cases it would be new builds.
it's easyer to ask for forgiveness than permission
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Posted in reply to: GREAT ARTICLE When will it Boom? by Ronnie Kelley
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Re: GREAT ARTICLE When will it Boom? MickyJ 2/26/2004 4:45:00 PM