Everyone needs to be on the look out in the In., Ill., Ky., tristate area. He ripped off my in-laws for a nice chunk of change and got my Husbands Leathers and saddle bags in Florida. I remember seeing him in Evansville Indiana @6 months after that going to work for someone we told not to hire him . They got

Anymore anyone looking like Charles Manson in stolen climbing spikes down on his luck with the shakes and scabs in this business needs intervention not a job. I'll put the word out here in Indiana . It would really help if there was a snapshot of the truck and plate #'s . There are a lot of car/truck lots around that will sell on Consignment as well as those yards on the river that don't ask don't tell @ their inventory. We will be praying for you. I hope you had insurance. When did he get his Drivers License back? Did you try the state patrol for the states between here and there. I f he got pulled over it would have gotten impounded?
Also if he abondoned the truck it may have gotten impounded.
Just a few suggestions.