Well let see here, someone correct me please if I am wrong here.

In order to understand and calculate Amperage drop you must also understand the calculations of resistance, voltage AND logarithmic calculations.
But the following formula will allow you to calculate any of the three, voltage, current or resistance if you have 2 of the them!
E=I x R (Voltage = Current x Resistance)
You can calculate each value in both your cable and your electonics (Amps, LE's, DC, splitters...etc)
NOTE: It is also very helpful if you understand and can do "Power Conversions". dbmV = 20 log (x millivolts)
A power measurment of ' x dBmV' indicates that a paticular signal is x dB greater than ('above') 1 millivolt in 75 ohms. A negative dBmV value indicates that a signal is x dB less then ('below') a millivolt in 75 ohms.
Now logarithmic can get you to the answer much more quickly.
dB/power = 10log/10 ( P1/P2)
Rule: 3dB is twice the power and 10 dB is 10 times the power.
A voltage ratio for equal impedance is expressed as:
dB/voltage = 20log/10 (E1/E2)
Rule: 6 dB is twice the voltage, and 20 dB is 10 times the voltage. Increasing the voltage by a factor of 1.4 (3dB) doubles the power (3 dB).
Voltage measurements can be made by using a reference level:
0 dBmV = 20log/10 (E/1mV)
Rule: 40 dB (20+20) is 100 times the voltage (10x10).
I realize this is a mouthful but if you have a Broadband calculator or CAD? It only take a few minutes to calculate if you have the proper specifications on you cable and electronics.

I'm going to see if I can do some estimated calculations with the info you gave. I was not able to use any of your information as I could not view it as I was replying.