Here is a result of the problem I have been asking about in 'Site Issues'. After waiting for over a week to a response from Broadband Maintenance, who I contacted through this {click for e-mail} riga-ma-roll, I became impatient. I wrote a final inquiry and cut&pasted part of their own post, in Classifieds-Splice-Coax. It is the Sweep & Splice work in St Louis, Missouri. I showed them where it had stated "Everyone will get a prompt call back." (para-phrased) and explained to them my frustrations due to not knowing if they were even getting my e-mails, who I was e-mailing to, and if I was even being considered. I told them I need to get to work and have other options to consider...Whazzzzuuuuppp???
Well, I guess I shot myself in the foot?!?!?! NOT!!~! In fact, I told Renee I was glad they did not respond in a professional manner. I have aquired a much more lucrative opportunity, and have potential of bringing in several Splicers and Sweep Techs in the care of a much better Contractor to begin with.
For future reference be sure to always be polite to the thin-skinned folks at Broadband Maintenance.
I guess they really told me.....
Please Renee!!! Let me rephrase my last letter!!!! I was desperate!!!!! I will never be rude, again!!!!!
See ya'round
Here is the prompt response I got from them...after I was so rude as to ask for a response...shame on me, you lowly dare I speak to those Big Time Operators at Broadband Maintenance like I did.....I must have been temporarily there no redemption for a lackluster, ill-mannered, reprobate that I am???
Because of your rude behavior we have decided against considering you for a position |