So lets say the mso is shorting them on supplies.This project has been going on for nearly a year an is slated to end soon. Why are they still bringing in contractors when they know they will have to sit and sit. Have they no ethical duty of care.
Should they too not be punished, monetarily, as the contractors are finding themselves to be. The contractors are sitting in hotels, an my I add in florida in winter a hotel is $$$$$$$$.
And yes it is all easment and the pay is so,so and the pay is also 30 days plus 3days plus 1 week out...
Just a thought,
Rhetoric, no, I'd rather say that my statement was one of the possibilities that may exist and to offer one of many potential disconnects that exist in the day to day operations. Additionally, it offers a view from the “Other” side of your paycheck. By the way, it almost sounds like the end of one of my projects. We ran out of some connectors and vaults near the end. The people responsible were repremanded

To be blunt - Why don't you folks ask in a nice way to the prime to demonstrate all of the available work crossed-referenced by actual production reports. Be direct and in their faces when inquiring about work. Don't just accept whatever you're told as gospel. It'll kill you if not let you down.
By having a lot of splicers on contract sitting around and not producing would raise my eyebrow. Being an EXPERT in most of these matters and issues there's something holding back flow of production. You probably don’t have all of the information to let you draw a reasonable conclusion.
I've personally witnessed the stop and go in the midst of major builds. This is absolutely pathetic and I could just about assure you that no operator in their right mind wants to conduct business this way. There's the personal integrity and credibility of both the people calling the shots and the company itself. Have you ever asked yourself the question of why do all of these splicers hang around the warehouse or office to begin with? If it happened to me for more than two consecutive days of “Fair” weather conditions I’d be looking for new work immediately.
The bottom line here is by all means, you must be bold and assertive to these Primes. If they treat your inquiries as a threat or intimidating, then you probably don't want to work for them in the first place. Personally, I look for those types of people who are assertive, a bit arrogant, and know what they want. Most of the time they deliver excellence too!