Spammers suck! Most ISP's have policies about their members sending UCE (unsolicited commercial email). Don't know if you're aware of CAUCE but if not check it out at Lots of good info.
The guy's ISP is and their policy is here: They seem pretty serious about not allowing spam, to the point of charging members if they get complaints.

You should call them and let them know the guy is spamming. Looks like each phone call or email might cost him $5-10.
Anyone who got spam from him should tell them about it too. If enough people complain I don't think he'd be doing it again. IPS Hosting phone # is 1-800-901-5491 or forward the spam email to
It's easy to define what you're willing to fight for; but what are you willing to stand for without fighting? What are you willing to lay down your life for?