Hay Madison Wis Charter Communitions, You have no systems in the East Cost, They were sold because they had to pay you. and try to make a payment in 2005 of over $350 BILLION. Tell me how? if you can't I will. Tech for 15 years and set up over a bad drop fitting.
Sweep Techs beware: Bids have been sent out to contractors.
All in all Charter is going under and you all know it. Does you office need more help? are you overloaded because they will not rehire new technicians, Well you must see the writing on the wall.
Get out and find a job. Charter will fight and win unemployment.

Add your comments so others see the truth.
By they way Dish network has local channels now and are expecting a 62%^ increase in sales in Madison area. Direct tv will be next.l
r e a d i t