Many of you have read a posting about RWV Enterprises about a month ago relating to non payment to our sub-contractors.
The full story here is that we were involved in an audit as a result of invoiving issues from another Contract Company that we worked for. This audit prevented us from paying anyone until we were able to determine exactly where the issue stemmed from. As we suspected, it was not us or our techs, but the prior prime that had the issue. Below is a letter that was sent out to all of our techs recently. They have all been paid or have pending issues.
It was, nor ever has been, the intention of RWV to withhold payment from anyone deserving of money they worked hard for. This is a reputable company, unfortunately, in a non-reputable industry which lends itself to the potential hazzards involved when working for others and relying on others to perform that same work.
A prime, while detested by most technicians, has its role in this industry and is needed in that role to afford the independent sub to perform his/her trade. While many Primes are greedy and self absorbed and seemingly thoughtless about their technicians (subs), RWV is not.
We greatly appreciate all the work that our techs (good and bad) have performed for us over the years and have always tried to treat them with the integrity they deserve. It is unfortunate that we had to wait this long in order to complete this process and put closure to a "less than uncomfortable" situation, however, be it known that in no way does anyone, both personally and professionally, harbor any negative feelings towards any subs. We in the Corporate Office understand the frustrations you all experienced and do not blame you for the previous postings on this site, [while taking into consideration that the personal attacks were both unproffessional and unneccessary].
Good luck to all of you out there in the Cable World and thank you all for your comments and kind words.
Christopher Stettner
Vice President of Operations
RWV Enterprises, Inc.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
«City», «State» «Zip»
Dear «First_Name»,
Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my apologies for the time it has taken us to complete our audit. As you probably know, Mediacom suspended RWV Enterprises, Inc. pending an internal audit to review erroneous invoicing from MasTec to Mediacom. Because RWV was contracted with MasTec, Mediacom felt it was prudent to suspend RWV until further review of exactly what the invoice issues resulted from.
In turn, we felt it necessary to conduct our own internal audit to ensure there were no issues with RWV invoices to MasTec.
We have reviewed the 2003 and the majority of the 2002 billing year and it is abundantly clear that invoices from RWV to MasTec and Mediacom are correct and legitimate. Moreover, we found that, for the most part, our subcontractors have invoiced us appropriately as well. While some issues have surfaced and still remain for individual subcontractors, we have input and audited enough information to enable us to release all monies owed to those subcontractors who have completed their jobs, turned in all paperwork, cleared their equipment inventory and have no further billing issues.
Our goal was to correct any potential discrepancies and to protect the integrity of RWV. Thank you for helping us achieve this goal through your hard work, dedication and attention to detail which, I believe, we have proven as a result of this audit.
All of us in the office understand your frustration with this situation and, in turn, hope you can appreciate our need in conducting this audit. We appreciate your patience, professionalism and continued courtesies.
Respectfully Yours,
Christopher Stettner
Vice President of Operations
RWV Enterprises, Inc.
As Good As Gold
Member #: 10799
Registered: 1996-2001
richard w. vallauri
Richard W. Vallauri
rwv enterprises inc
gulf breeze fl
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