There's no good reason to return to the lame duck that Adelphia has become in Orlando. Gator I think I know the name of the man you are talking about as far as "back-dooring" J. Moran is concerned. He is married to the daughter of an Adelphia employee and the employee which I speak of is a "real" mother if you get my drift. It would be sad to think that Jack was sleeping with the enemy not knowing that his goose was getting slowly roasted until finally cooked cuz he's still doing business with the man. As far as the United contract, that was an inside deal as well. Tony Genova (of TCI fame) had a hand in getting United's foot in the door. United lost thier contract with Time Warner in Orlando for God know's what reason but I deal with some ex-contractors that claim United failed to pay them on time, the old race to the bank before the check bounces routine. As far as installation for Adelphia, I've heard for the longest time that the work is pretty slim. Gotta consider that they are in direct competition with Bright House (formerly TWC) and are getting thier collective asses kicked technology wise. The nice thing about installation with them is the fact that they have NEVER had an in-house Q.C. program.
Installers can pretty much butcher the piss out of a job and never get a back-charge. God know's that while I was there many a service tech finished jobs that were not completed properly and were told to just keep thier mouths shut! This is in no way a reflection on the contractor but to the palms that were getting greased to look the other way. I'm sure the name "Cappetillo" was written on several checks so his vision would be considerably less than 20-20.
As far as worrying about being black-balled by these football

f*ckin' chimps, I could care less. They've already done as much damage to me as they can. If you want to get in and hack and run, this cow is overflowin' with the cash, and more power to the brothers that get in there and do it cuz they didn't give a rat's ass to the lives they interrupted with thier shennanigans. Imagine having to attend a construction contract meeting and being told that prices were getting cut by more that 50% and told to take it or leave it. They were only able to do this knowing that the industry has slowed to a crawl and lot's of people are hungry. Major slap in the face. First they shut down all forward upgrades and projects, don't pay the contractors monies owed, then tell the ones that stuck it out that the prices were going to the gutter.... what balls!!
But all this is just my opinion and I am a diagnosed bi-polar.