Since it is now here on the bar, I will respond here as well. Back about a month ago, you or someone by your name made a posting here. CableHasNoHonor or Mark Pickrell if you will, made quite the disparaging remarks concerning Gary Morris.
Having had just about enough of his two faced,ignorant, holier than thou attitude, I unleashed a barrage of verbal assaults upon that poor dim witted soul. Gave him a little taste of his own medicine. Just in doses that choked him right off this site.
Your name kept being posted because everyone was responding to the initial thread that contained your name.
The meatgrinder you thought you were being called, is actually a name that CHNH used previously and we were reminding him of it, along with his multitudinous shortcomings.
None of the postings outside of the very first ones, had anything to do with you. Everybody on here turned attention to, and quite amusingly, humiliated Pickrell right off the internet! For the time being--- it appears to have worked.
So, no offense to you sir. We all rose to your defense without having ever met you.
Semper Fi back atcha!