Re: Need info from (real) old timers
"still hooking" I can identify, I started in the spring of '79 also for 3.50 an hour although it was an in house job for a cable company. The first thing I did on my first day was to be taken out to the pole in back and taught how to climb. That was old school then, they don't do it that way anymore. I 've only been working as a contractor for the past 4 1/2 years. Started out at the end of the last boom and toughed it out this long. I'm now going back to a system job for the time being at least. I'll miss this gig though its been pretty good to me since I was with a good company. I was able to learn a few new tricks and hone my skills some. I might be back, some day. I hope it does pick up this year and the next several years to come. I think it will. I hope you win the lotto, me too.
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