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Re: Onion Head???

Sluffed off? Hmmmm? For a guy that stayed in the business for 25 years and owned several businesses. Made plenty of money and enjoyed it? I would say that I was quite successful at what I did!
Regardless of the situation I grew up in!
As for desiring a "Pity party"?
Not into them! Never have been!
But, I will say I deserve more credit than the people on this forum would ever dream of giving anyone!
I only flap my lips on the "negative" side on here when people like yourself deside to show your "Stupidity" by harrassing a man that has pretty much lost everything and is still managing to come out smelling like a rose!
Remember the saying I JUST read someone POST here recently!
You really never know when the person you are ****ting on the most will be the one with the work you desire to have!
But, of course that would not be me......
I'm a "Heartless Moron"!
The POSTS that you people have been putting on here "Against me"? REALLY do not bother me in the least.
You know why?
Because I know you all that speak in this way towards me are "suffering" out there BECAUSE your the way you are on here in your everyday, pathedic, heartless little nothing lives.
Spare me you "I'm greater and more intellectual and I made it through tougher times than you" ****!
I don't believe your lies!
Never have, never will!
I do not respect any of you that speak in this manner!
And I find you totally AMUZZZZING!(roll)(flipoff)(nod)
This is posting #107429. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Onion Head??? by scarecrow
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Onion Head??? jacq 5/26/2003 12:31:00 PM